Dr Ashley Conway, PhD


I qualified as a Counselling Psychologist and have gained over 25 years of professional experience. I now work as a Consulting Psychologist. My work has spanned a wide range of environments from NHS primary care to private psychiatric hospitals, and from London teaching hospitals to my own clinics. I have also taught on post-graduate training programmes and facilitated a support group for clinical staff working on an acute psychiatric ward.

My work has included presentations at major international conferences, including lecturing at the Nobel Institute in Stockholm. In 1994, I made a consultancy visit to Estonia, following the sinking of the passenger ferry 'Estonia', reporting back directly to the Chief Executive of the British Health Education Authority. I was also invited to be a contributor at a major international NATO Advanced Study Institute, 'Recollections of Trauma', where I was one of one hundred international trauma specialists invited to take part in an intensive 10-day meeting in France.

Throughout the years, I have published several books for both mental health professionals and clients. The United Nations commissioned me to provide psychological therapy for staff who were seriously injured in the suicide bombing of their offices in Baghdad. I have also worked extensively with the National Crime Squad and the Serious Organised Crime Agency.

My private practice work is busy and rewarding. As well as working with individuals, I also have considerable experience working with organisations, particularly in response to traumatic incidents, such as armed robbery, assault or death in the workplace. Over the years, my interest has expanded to positive psychology, and my current practice has evolved to include personal counselling and professional and executive coaching.

Accreditation and Memberships



Hardback and Paperback Books

  • Conway, A. (2023). Policy Capture at the BPS: The Memory and Law Controversy. In: Pilgrim,D. (Ed). British Psychology in Crisis, pp 89 - 107. Oxford: Phoenix Publishing.

  • Conway, A. (2022) The Abuse of the Science to Silence the Abused. In: Sinason, V and Conway, A. Trauma and Memory - The Science and the Silenced. Routledge.

  • Conway, A. (2022) In Conversation with Ross Cheit. In: Sinason, V. and Conway, A. Trauma and Memory - The Science and the Silenced. Routledge.

  • Sinason, V. and Conway, A. (2022) Trauma and Memory - The Science and the Silenced. Routledge.

  • Dr Ashley Conway (2017). No Worries: How to calm an anxious mind. London: Short Books.

  • Conway, A.V. (1998) Recovered Memories: Shooting the messenger. In: Sinason, V. (Ed) Memory in Dispute. London: Karnac.

  • Conway, A.V. (1997) Trauma, hyperventilation & memory In: Read, J.D., & Lindsay, D.S. Recollections of Trauma: Scientific evidence and clinical practice. NATO ASI Series. New York: Plenum.

  • Conway, A.V. (1994) Breathing and Feeling. In: Timmons, B. and Ley, R. (Eds.) Behavioural and Psychological Approaches to Breathing Disorders, New York: Plenum.

  • Conway, A.V. (1993) Hypnotherapy and the heart. In: McCormick, E.W. Healing the Heart, London: Optima.


Dr Ashley Conway (2017). No Worries: How to calm an anxious mind. London: Short Books

The Therapy Tool Kit series:


  • Conway, A. & Pilgrim, D. (2022). The Policy Alignment of the British False Memory Society and The British Psychological Society. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 23, Pages 165-176.

  • Conway, A. (2009) Psychological reactions to trauma: working with patients. Nursing in Practice, 47, 52 – 55.

  • Conway, A. (2009) Psychological reactions to trauma: signs and symptoms. Nursing in Practice, 46, 52 – 55.

  • Conway, A. (2007) Communication skills: the spin doctors’ omission. Nursing in Practice, 39, 76 -79.

  • Conway, A. (2006) The challenge of working with refugees. The New Generalist, 4, (iv), 2 – 3.

  • Conway, A. & Ong, C.P. (2006) Tai Chi – lessons for the art of psychotherapy. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 3, 40 – 44.

  • Conway, A. (2006) A depressed patient seems a bit work-shy. Doctor, 12/9/2006, 22 – 23.

  • Conway, A. (2006) CBT or not CBT? The uses of cognitive-behavioural therapy. The New Generalist, 4, (i), 58 – 59.

  • Conway, A. (2005) Why have I been sent to a psychologist? The New Generalist, 3, (iii), 46 -48.

  • Widmer, S., Conway, A., Cohen. S. & Davies, P. (1998) Die Hyperventilation als korrelierender und mitbestimmender Faktor von storendem Lampenfieber bei Musikern. Musikphysiologie und musikermedizin, 5, 43 - 56.

  • Widmer, S., Conway, A.V., Cohen, S., & Davies, P. (1997) Hyperventilation: A correlate and predictor of debilitating performance anxiety in musicians. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 12, 97 - 106.

  • Conway, A.V. (1994) Breathing and feeling - capnography and the individually meaningful psychological stressor (IMPS). Biofeedback and Self Regulation, 19, 135 - 139.

  • Conway, A.V. (1991) Grieving and breathing. Bereavement Care, 10, 2 - 3.

  • Conway, A.V. (1989) Research with hypnosis. Suggestions, 2, 2 - 3.

  • Conway, A.V. (1989) Hypnosis and research into mind/body relationships. Complementary Medical Research, 3, 9 - 11.

  • Gruzelier, J., Allison, J. & Conway, A.V. (1988) A psychophysiological differentiation between hypnotic behaviour and simulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 6, 331 - 338.

  • Conway, A.V. (1988) Cancer and the mind: a conditioned sensitisation model. Holistic Medicine, 3, 85 - 90.

  • Conway, A.V. (1988) The research game - a view from the field. Complementary Medical Research, 3, 29 -36.

  • Conway, A.V., Freeman, L.J. & Nixon P.G.F. (1988) Hypnotic examination of trigger factors in the hyperventilation syndrome. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 30, 296 - 304.

  • Conway, A.V. & Clarkson, P. (1988) Taglig hypnotische induktions. Zeitschrift fur Transaktions-Analyse in Theorie und Praxis.

  • Conway, A.V. & Clarkson, P. (1988) Inductions Hypnotiques Ordinaires. Actualites en Analyse Transactionelles.

  • Gruzelier, J., Thomas, M. Brow, T., Conway, A.V., et al. (1987) Involvement of the left hemisphere in hypnotic induction. Electrodermal, haptic, electrocortical, and divided visual field evidence. Advances in Biological Psychiatry, 16, 6 - 17.

  • Conway, A.V. & Clarkson, P. (1987) Everyday hypnotic inductions. Transactional Analysis Journal, 17 (ii), 17 - 23.

  • Conway, A.V. (1987) Hypnotherapy. Health Visitor, 60, P. 83.

  • Conway, A.V. (1986) Assessment of complementary medicine - revolution or evolution? Complementary Medicine, 3, 47 - 51.

  • Freeman, L.J., Conway, A.V. & Nixon, P.G.F. (1986) Heart rate response, emotional disturbance and hyperventilation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 30, 429 - 436.

  • Freeman, L.J., Conway, A.V. & Nixon, P.G.F. (1986) Physiological responses to psychological challenge under hypnosis in patients considered to have the hyperventilation syndrome: implications for diagnosis and therapy. Journal for the Royal Society of Medicine, 79, 76 - 83.

  • Conway, A.V. (1986) Cancer and the mind: a role for hypnosis? Holistic Medicine, 1, 42 - 55.

  • Conway, A.V. (1978) Little Hans: Misrepresentation of the Evidence? Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 31, 285 - 287.

Television and Social Media

Conway, A (2015), Panic Attacks - Part 1

Conway, A (2015), Panic Attacks - Part 2